ReJeune Skin Beauty Therapy 经络美肤护理疗程

The flows of the twelve meridian based on Chinese medicine will clear blood starts with the aid of ReJeune’s Magnetic Physiotherapy Tools. The Chinese medicinal belief is that “there’s pain where there’s a block”. Through the Meridian Skin Beauty Therapy, painful and uncomfortable neck, shoulder and other relevant problems can be eased and improved, blood circulation will flow smoothly and evenly, giving you skin that is visibly firm and moisturized.

You will experience a significant efficacy after your first ReJeune treatment. The results of the treatment will give you a firm face and elevated chest. The pain on the areas of your neck, back and shoulders will diminish, leaving you relax and comfortable.

按照中医十二经络流注配合磁穴经络按摩棒将淤的气血疏通,中医认为 "不通则痛" 通过经络美肌护理后能将疼痛不舒的颈肩等问题得到舒缓与改善,气血通畅,血行气运您的肌肤则更见紧缩与润泽。

功效: 您会在第一次ReJeune经络治疗后感受到显卓的疗效,疗程效果您的面部收紧和胸部提升,颈部,背部和肩部的局部疼痛会明显消失,轻松舒适。