The flows of the twelve meridian based on Chinese medicine will clear blood starts with the aid of ReJeune’s Magnetic Physiotherapy Tools. The Chinese medicinal belief is that “there’s pain where there’s a block”. Through the Meridian Skin Beauty Therapy, painful and uncomfortable neck, shoulder ...View Detail
During the pre and post-menopause stage, some women experience messy menstruation, dizziness, heart palpitations, irritation, irregular perspiration and so on. ReJeune works on the relevant vessels and acupuncture points with the corresponding reinforcing and reducing hand techniques to improve t...View Detail
The body's growth, development, aging and organ function is closely linked to rise and fall of meridian blood channels. When there is a shortage of blood within the system and the meridian channels are not smooth, organ functions will decline and the yin yang balance will dissipate, causing aging...View Detail
The Deep Meridian Full Body Therapy penetrates deep into meridians, clears blood vessels, nourishes internal organ cells, reduces aging symptoms from the inside out and strengthen immune system.Effects: Deep penetration through full body dredging of meridians to unblock blood vessels, nourishes i...View Detail
Through massaging specific areas of the 3 meridian channels (significant points of SanJiao), the therapy strengthens kidney, improving liver and spleen function, improve sleeping patterns, stabilise emotions and symptoms of endocrine imbalances.Effects: Revitalize the SanJiao meridian, liver, sp...View Detail
Meridian detox lets you get rid of excess fat; ReJeune works on meridian channels of the hand and foot coupled with a series of treatments to ease the flow of meridian qi, regulate stomach function, heat and humidity, expels phlegm and fat for a lighter weight and healthy physique.Effects: Streng...View Detail